7.4 Public transportation(知识讲练)-2021届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料(教案)

7.4 Public transportation(知识讲练)-2021届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料(教案)


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2021 届江苏英语新高考一轮复习精品资料●模块七 Unit 4 知识讲练 一、重点词汇 重点词汇-1. convey 【原句呈现】Horse-drawn buses, trams, cabs and carriages were used to convey people to and around the city centre 【知识精讲】 convey one’s feelings/emotions/meanings 表达某人的感情/情感/意思 convey one’s best wishes to ....向……转达某人最美好的祝愿/向……问好 convey passengers/goods 载客/运货 convey ... to sb.向某人表达/传递…… convey ... from ... to ...把……从……运送到…… 【单句填空】 填上恰当的词或词组: ①I asked her to _____________________ her mother. 【答案】convey my best wishes to 【句意】我请她代我向她的母亲问好。 ②I was so excited at the news that I could hardly ________________ in words. 【答案】convey my feelings 【句意】听到那个消息我激动得几乎无法用语言来表达我的感情。 ③People used to ______________ one place ____________ another by buses and trains. 【答案】be conveyed from ... to 【句意】过去人们被火车和公交车从一处运到另一处。 ④What is it that the author wants to _____________________ his readers through the story? 【答案】convey to 【句意】作者想通过故事向读者表达什么? ⑤They have already ______________ to the distant market in an old truck. 【答案】conveyed goods 【句意】他们已经用一辆旧卡车把货物运到了远处的市场。 【完成句子】 ①这里传达的信息很清楚, 那就是“事实胜于雄辩”。 _____________________________: “Actions speak louder than words.” 【答案】The message conveyed here is clear ②我要对你的帮助表示衷心的感谢。 I would like to _________ my sincere ____________ to you for your ____________. 【答案】express/convey ... thanks/appreciation ... help/assistance 重点词汇-2. postpone 【原句呈现】However, new trains had to be developed and the plan required raising a large amount of money, so the digging was postponed until 1860. 【知识精讲】 ①postpone v.延迟,延期→postponement n.推迟,延期,延缓 ②postpone 习惯搭配; postpone sth.to/until ...把……推迟到…… postpone/delay/put off(doing) sth.推迟(做)某事 注意:①delay 除用作动词外,还用作名词。如:without delay 立刻,毫无延迟; ②不要跟“cancel 取消”混为一谈。 【单句填空】 用所给词的恰当形式填空或填上恰当的词: ①The __________(postpone)was due to a dispute over where the talks should be held. 【答案】postponement 【句意】会谈推迟是因为对会谈地点存在争议。 ②They postponed ________(make)a decision and we just had to wait. 【答案】making 【句意】他们推迟了做决定,我们只好等待。 ③Do you mind if I postpone that appointment __________ next week? 【答案】to/until 【句意】你介意我把约会推迟到下周吗? ④As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to ________ it. 【答案】cancel 【句意】既然我们所订购的货物迟迟不到,我们不能再等下去了,只好取消。 ⑤—Why were you late for such an important concert? —The plane arrived at the airport after a ________ of three hours. 【答案】delay 【句意】“这么重要的音乐会你为什么迟到?”“飞机耽搁了三个小时后才到达机场。” 【完成句子】 ①一些学生懒惰并且一些学生拖延作业已经成为习惯。 Some students are lazy and it has become a habit for some students ___________________________. 【答案】to postpone/delay/put off doing their homework ②每当我遇到困难,我从不拖延解决它们。 Whenever I met with difficulties, I never ________________________. 【答案】postponed solving them/solved them without delay ③明天要是下雨的话,我们将不得不推迟参观杨浦大桥。 Should it rain tomorrow, we ___________________ to the Yangpu Bridge. 【答案】would have to postpone the visit 重点词汇-3. undertake 【原句呈现】Having seen the situation, a wealthy American businessman, Charles Yerkes, undertook improving the system in 1902 by obtaining ownership of the many different lines and setting up the Underground Electric Railways Company of London. 【知识精讲】 ①undertake v.承担,从事,承诺,答应→undertook(过去式)→undertaken(过去分词) ②undertake 习惯搭配; undertake a task 承担任务 undertake an attack 发动进攻 undertake to do sth.答应/同意做某事 undertake that ...承诺…… undertake the responsibility of doing sth.承担做某事的责任 【单句填空】 用所给词的恰当形式填空或填上恰当的词: ①To the delight of Mr. Thomas, he managed to finish the task on time, which was the hardest job that he’d ever _________(undertake). 【答案】undertaken 【句意】使托马斯先生高兴的是,他设法按时完成了任务,这是他曾经承担的最难的工作。 ②Dr. Coates, a famous architect from Italy, and his team __________(undertake)the design of the city’s landmark. 【答案】undertook 【句意】科茨博士,一位来自意大利的著名建筑师,和他的团队一起从事这个城市地标的设计。 ③—John, would you lend me some money? —Unless you _________(pay) the money back within six months. 【答案】to pay 【句意】“约翰,你借点钱给我好吗?”“除非你保证六个月之内还。”。 ④Who do you think is the right person to undertake the ________? 【答案】task 【句意】你认为谁会是做这个任务的合适人选? ⑤—Who do you think should undertake the ___________ for white pollution? —Both the producer and the consumer. 【答案】responsibility 【句意】你认为谁应该承担白色污染的责任? 【完成句子】 ①你应该承诺做好自己的事情,向你的妈妈证明你已经是一个“成年人”。 You should _______________________________, proving to your mom that you are already a “grown-up”. 【答案】undertake to do your own things well ②当你不在时,我将承认担起喂狗的责任。 I will ____________________________ feeding your dogs while you are away. 【答案】undertake the responsibility of ③我们保证按时完成这项工作。 We ________________________ in time. 【答案】undertake/promise/make a promise/guarantee that we shall finish the work undertake promise/make a promise/guarantee to finish the work/ 重点词汇-4. split 【原句呈现】We could split up into groups, and come at different times. 【知识精讲】 split up 分裂,分离,分手=break up,把……分开 split ... up(把……)分成小组 split up(with sb.)(和某人)断绝关系,分手 split up into 分成;使分裂成/分开(成几部分) split off from 从……分离/分化出来;从……分裂出来 split sth. between sb/sth 分摊,分享 【单句填空】 填上恰当的词: ①She’s split up _________ her boyfriend because of different characters. 【答案】with 【句意】因为性格不同,她和男朋友分手了。 ②The compensation will be split _________ 140 claimants. 【答案】between 【句意】赔偿金将在 140 名索赔人中分配。 ③The famous orchestra, which was composed by the four young musicians, is split up _________ four parts according to the folk songs. 【答案】into 【句意】这个著名的管弦乐队,由四个年轻的乐手组成,这个乐队按照民间歌曲被分成了四部分。 ④Those who can be split off _________ the enemy camp should be won over, educated and helped. 【答案】from 【句意】对于那些从敌人营垒中可能分化出来的人,要争取他们,教育他们,帮助他们。 ⑤—Jenny and Joe have split _________ recently. —How come? As far as I know, they have been good friends for many years. 【答案】up 【句意】“珍妮和乔最近闹翻了。”“怎么会?据我所知,他们是多年的好朋友。” 【完成句子】 ①我的工作生涯分为三个主要部分。 My working life _____________________. 【答案】is split into three main parts ②我们同意将利润对半分。 We agreed to _______________________ on a fifty-fifty basis. 【答案】split the profits between us 重点词汇-5. reservation 【原句呈现】There are many flights to Dalian, and the city has good air connections with most large cities in China, but you need to make reservations in advance. 【知识精讲】 ①reservation n.预订,预约,保留意见→reserve v.保留,预订,储备 n. 贮藏(物),储备 →reserved adj.预订的,保留的,预约的 ②相关短语: make reservations/a reservation 预订 have/express reservations about 对……怀有疑问/有所顾虑 reserve sth. for sb.给某人保留=be reserved for 留给某人 in reserve 留出备用,储备待用,(为某人)保留的 with reservation 有保留地 without reservation 毫无保留/毫无异议/无条件地 注意以下形似意异的单词,不要混淆了词义: reserve vt.预订;保留;储备 preserve vt.保护,维护 deserve vt.值得 observe vt.观察 【单句填空】 用 reservation 的恰当形式填空或填上恰当的词: ①Customers are advised to make seat __________ in advance. 【答案】reservations 【句意】建议顾客提前预订座位。 ②Would you please meet my uncle at the airport and take him to the __________ hotel? 【答案】reserved 【句意】你能到机场接我叔叔并把他带到预订好的宾馆吗? ③We’ve reserved a single room __________ you at the Garden Hotel. 【答案】for 【句意】我们在花园酒店为您预订了一间单人房。 ④So if you are going to visit a friend, it is necessary to make __________ reservation. 【答案】a 【句意】所以,如果你要去拜访一个朋友,有必要预订房间。 ⑤To my surprise, they accepted the proposal __________ reservation. 【答案】without/with 【句意】令我惊讶的是,他们毫无保留地/有保留地接受了这个建议。 ⑥A country should have a large amount of grain in __________ to distribute to victims of natural disasters. 【答案】reserve 【句意】一个国家需要贮备大量的粮食,以供灾难时分发给灾民。 ⑦The society was set up to __________ endangered species from extinction. 【答案】preserve 【句意】成立这个协会是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。 ⑧You can have some __________ about what I have said, but you had better follow my orders as closely as possible. 【答案】reservations 【句意】你可以对我的话有所顾虑,但是你最好严格遵守我的命令。 【完成句子】 ①我已为你预订了早上的航班。 I’ve ______________________ on the morning flight. 【答案】made a reservation for you/reserved for you ②我宁愿保留我的判断直到我发现所有的证据。 I’d prefer to ___________________ until I find all the evidence. 【答案】reserve my judgment ③每个月的工资全都花光是很不明智的。你应该留点儿钱,以防万一。 It isn’t wise to spend all your salary every month. _____________________, just in case. 【答案】Keep some money in reserve 重点词汇-6. departure 【原句呈现】Check timetables for departure and arrival time. 【知识精讲】 ①departure n.离开,出发,背离,违反→depart v.离开,出发,去世,离职,脱轨 ②相关短语:depart for 动身前往 depart from 背离,违反,离开 【单句填空】 填上恰当的词或词组: ①When the delayed fight will _________ depends on the weather. 【答案】depart 【句意】延迟的航班何时起飞取决于天气情况。 ②Everyone was a bit puzzled by her sudden _________. 【答案】departure 【答案】每个人都对她的突然离去感到有点困惑。 ③He _________ Washington, with the pet dog left behind with his neighbor. 【答案】departed for 【句意】他去了华盛顿,把他的宠物狗留给了邻居。 ④His great success cannot _________ his persistent effort. 【答案】depart from 【句意】他取得这么大的成功,和他坚持不懈的努力分不开。 ⑤I don’t think we have any reason to _________ our usual practice. 【答案】depart from 【句意】我认为我们没有任何理由背离我们的惯例。 【完成句子】 ①如果我们知道你要离开,我们就会到机场送你了。 If we had known _____________________, we would have seen you off at the airport. 【答案】of your departure/that you would depart ②历史上的高等教育改革,始终离不开一定的社会背景。 Historical innovation in higher education can’t ________________________ eventually. 【答案】depart from definite social background ③外交部长今晚将启程前往开罗。 The foreign minister ______________________ Cairo this evening. 【答案】will depart for/leave for 重点词汇-7. arise(arose, arisen) 【原句呈现】The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has increased over the past year. 【知识精讲】 ①相关短语和句型: arise from/arise out of 由……引起=result from arise from 从……起身(站起来) if/when the need arises 如果/当有需要 ②arise, rise, raise 的区别: arise vi.出现,产生,起身,起床 过去式 arose 过去分词 arisen arouse vt.引起,激起,唤醒 vi.觉醒,醒来 过去式 aroused 过去分词 aroused rise vi.升起,升高 过去式 rose 过去分词 risen raise vt.举起,提高,提出,抚养, 筹集 过去式 raised 过去分词 raised 【单句填空】 填上恰当的词: ①Seeing his mother return home, the boy ________ from his chair immediately. 【答案】arose 【句意】看到母亲回家,男孩立刻从椅子上站起来 ②A number of high buildings have ________ where there was nothing a year ago but ruins. 【答案】arisen 【句意】许多高层建筑在一年前还只是一片废墟的地方拔地而起。 ③They ________ at sunrise to get an early start to the park. 【答案】arose 【句意】他们在日出时起床,以便早点动身去公园。 ④It can’t be too careful while driving. Accidents often ________ from carelessness. 【答案】arise 【句意】开车时再小心也不为过。事故常因粗心大意而发生。 ⑤—What is the price of petrol these days? —Oh, it has ________ sharply since last month. 【答案】risen 【句意】“这些日子汽油的价格是多少?”“哦,自从上个月以来一直涨速很快。” ⑥His remark not only broke the ice, but ________ everyone’s interest. 【答案】aroused 【句意】他的话不仅打破了僵局,而且引起了大家的兴趣。 ⑦To ________ people’s awareness of protecting the environment, we launched a campaign. 【答案】raise 【句意】为了提高人们保护环境的意识,我们发起了一场运动。 ⑧Use the money when the need ________. 【答案】arises 【句意】有需要时就使用这笔钱。 【完成句子】 ①众所周知,许多疾病都由水污染引起。 As is known, many diseases _________________________. 【答案】result from water pollution/ arise from/out of water pollution ②如果有需要,我们会再次和你联系。 We will contact you again __________________________. 【答案】if the need arises 重点词汇-8. put off /put(...)through 【原句呈现】①I would like to put your visit off until then as the annual Traffic Conference is coming up next week. ②OK, I will put you through to the receptionist and she can take down your details.(P57) 【知识精讲】 put off 推迟,拖延 put(...)through (给……)接通(电话),使经历,完成,使成功 put aside 节省(钱、时间),储蓄,储存……备用 put away 储存(钱),储存……备用,储蓄 put down 写下,记下,付定金 put forward 提出(意见、建议) 向前移,拨快(钟表) put in 打断,插入,花费(时间、劳力等),从事 put on 假装,伪装,穿上,上演 put out 熄灭,关灯,扑灭 put up 举起,抬起,张开(伞),张贴,建造,为……提供住宿 put up with 忍受,忍耐,受苦 【单句填空】 填上恰当的词: ①I ordered him not to be late, so he put ________ his clock. 【答案】forward 【句意】我命令他不要迟到,所以他把闹钟提前了。 ②It has been announced that all students shall put ________ masks before going to school in case they are infected with novel coronavirus. 【答案】on 【句意】已经宣布所有的学生在上学前要戴口罩以免感染新冠病毒。 ③You can’t imagine what great danger the firefighters were faced with when they tried to put ________ the big fire. 【答案】out 【句意】你无法想象当消防队员试图扑灭大火时,他们面临着多大的危险。 ④She got separated from her husband, because she couldn’t put up ________ his bad temper. 【答案】with 【句意】她和丈夫分开了,因为她无法忍受他的坏脾气。 ⑤ For the sake of our human beings’ health and happiness, posters were put ________ around the community to arouse public concern over environment protection. 【答案】up 【句意】为了我们人类的健康和幸福,海报贴满了社区,以引起公众对环境保护的关注。 ⑥The manager put ________ a suggestion that we should have an assistant. 【答案】forward 【句意】经理提出了一个建议,我们应该有一个助手。 ⑦A wonderful performance will be put ________ in the school gymnasium next month. 【答案】on 【句意】下个月学校体育馆将上演一场精彩的演出。 ⑧—Shall I put put ________ the raincoat? —No hurry. Leave it where it is. It looks like rain. 【答案】away 【句意】“要我把雨衣收起来吗?”“不着急,把它放在原处。天看起来好像会下雨。” ⑨The policeman put ________ the phone, satisfied with a smile on his face. 【答案】down 【句意】警察放下电话,脸上带着满意的微笑。 ⑩In order to keep extra cash in your monthly budget, you may put ________ 30% on your first home, instead of 40%. 【答案】down 【句意】为了将额外的现金保留在每月的预算中,你可以先付 30%而不是 40%的定金在你第一套 房子上。 ⑪It has been decided that the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games will be put ________ to 2021. 【答案】off 【句意】已决定将 2020 年东京奥运会推迟到 2021 年。 ⑫However occupied you are with study, try to put ________ at least 15 minutes each day to have some exercise. 【答案】aside 【句意】无论你学习多么忙,尽量每天抽出 15 分钟锻炼。 ⑬It began with a “self-discovery” process where each of us put ________ a series of tests to determine what it is that we truly love doing. 【答案】through 【句意】一开始是一个“自我发现”的过程,我们每个人都要经历一系列测试,以确定我们真正喜欢 做什么。 ⑭After the earthquake, many people had to be put ________ in the tents ,because most of their houses were badly damaged. 【答案】up 【句意】地震后许多人住在安置的帐篷里,因为他们的房子被毁坏了。 ⑮It was my elder brother who helped put me ________ school. 【答案】through 【句意】是我哥哥帮我完成了学业。 ⑯Could you put me ________ to the manager, please? 【答案】through 【句意】请帮我找经理接一下电话好吗? ⑰They’ve put ________ time and effort to keep the strike going. 【答案】in 【句意】他们花费了很多时间和精力以使罢工持续下去。 重要词汇-9.(be)aimed at 【原句呈现】This notice is aimed at promoting people’s knowledge of the problem. 【知识精讲】 ①aim n.目标,目的 v.瞄准,致力于,使某物针对某人 ②相关短语: aim at/for…以……为目标 aim to do sth.目的在于,打算 be aimed at 目的在于,旨在 aim(...)at 瞄准,把……对……瞄准 with the aim of doing sth.带有……目的 take aim at …以……为目标,瞄准 【单句填空】 填上恰当的词: ①She went to London ________ the aim ________ finding a job. 【答案】with, of 【句意】她去伦敦是为了找工作。 ②The soldier ________ his gun ________ the target in the distance. 【答案】aimed, at 【句意】那个士兵用枪瞄准了远处的靶子。 ③The enemy was ________ at starving us ______ submission. 【答案】aimed 【句意】敌人目的是想断绝食物让我们屈服。 ④I am ________ to lose 4kg before the summer holidays. 【答案】aiming 【句意】我的目标是在暑假前减掉 4 公斤。 ⑤They ________ aim at office workers, who want to eat healthy food yet have little time to actually cook. 【答案】took 【句意】他们将目标锁定在白领身上,这些人希望吃得健康却没有时间下厨。 ⑥At that moment, he was no longer an athlete aiming ________ a medal; he was just a brother. 【答案】for/at 【句意】在那一刻,他不再是一个追求奖牌的运动员,他只是个兄弟。 【完成句子】 ①这个项目旨在帮助那些生活贫困的老年人。 The project _______________________________ those elderly people living in poverty. 【答案】is aimed at/takes aim at/helping/aims to help ②我用枪小心地瞄准了目标。 I ____________________________. 【答案】aimed the gun carefully at the target 【句意】结合语境和动作,不难判断这里指“用枪瞄准目标”,要用 target 表示“目标”。故填 target。 二、经典句型 1.表示“建议”的常见句型 【原句呈现】Why not take a trip on the oldest underground system today? 【知识精讲】 ①“Why not?”有两层含义:一则表示对对方的说法进行反向“为什么不呢?”;二则表示乐意接受对 方的邀请,意为“当然,好啊”。 ②表示“建议”的常见句型还有: Let’s do ...让我们做……吧。 Shall we do ...?让我们……,好吗? Would you like to do ...?你想要(愿意)做……吗? Will you please do ...?请你做……,好吗? What(How)about doing ...?做……怎么样? You’d better…你最好…… 参看:模块六 Unit 3 1.Why don’t you do sth.句型 【完成句子】 ①要是你们彼此相爱,干吗不结婚呢? If you love each other, _________ get married? 【答案】why not/why don’t you ②亲爱的,你帮我做点事好吗? _____________________ for me, dear? 【答案】Will you please do something ③骑车去怎样? __________________ there by bike? 【答案】What/How about going ④如果你明早 6 点钟要走,你最好现在就上床睡觉。 If you leave at6 o’ clock tomorrow morning, _________________ now. 【答案】you’ d better get to bed ⑤“想和我共度这个下午吗?”“好啊!” —Want to spend the afternoon with me? —___________? 【答案】Why not ⑥“你想让我给你打个便车吗?太棒了!”“请到图书馆让我下车。” —___________________ you a lift? —That would be great! Please drop me off at the library. 【答案】would you like me to give ⑦“我们今天下午一点钟去喝一杯,怎么样?”“对不起,一点钟我去不了。两点钟行不行?”。 —__________________ at one o’clock this afternoon? —Sorry, I can’t make it. Will two o’clock be OK? 【答案】Shall we go for a drinking 2.What is/was...like 句型 【原句呈现】What was the London Underground like in 1863? 【知识精讲】 ①What is/was sth. Like?意思为“某物(人)是什么样子?”可以用来询问天气情况、事物的性质、质量、 特征等,有时候要求对事物作详细的描述。What is sb. like?可以用来询问一个人的外貌特征、个 性、品质 ②类似句型: What does sb. look like?只能询问一个人的外貌; How do you like/find+宾语?=What do you think of+宾语?意思为“你觉得……怎么样?” 【即时巩固】翻译句子 ①你女朋友长得怎么样?—______________________? 她很高、很漂亮。 —She is tall and pretty. 【答案】What is your girlfriend like ②那个婴儿长得怎么样?—______________________? 他长得像他爸。 —He looks like his father. 【答案】What does the baby look like ③你觉得这部电影怎么样?—______________________? 它很搞笑。 —It’s very funny. 【答案】How do you like/find this film/What do you think of this film ④明天的天气如何? ______________________ tomorrow? 【答案】What is the weather like ⑤这部电视纪录片将会向你展示 70 年前我们城市的样子。 This television documentary will show you ______________________ 70 years ago. 【答案】what our city looked like ⑥你能想象我们未来的生活是什么样的吗? Can you imagine ________ in the future. 【答案】what our life will be like 3.动词+it+形容词+动词不定式 【原句呈现】Carrying more than a light load on your bicycle makes it more difficult to control. This lack of control is an invitation to accidents. 【知识精讲】 正确判断是不是形式宾语,只有“it”可以用作形式宾语。 【完成句子】 ①她是外国人这一事实使她在那个国家中很难找到一份工作。 The fact that she was foreign _________________ a job in that country. 【答案】made it difficult for her to get/find ②无论他在哪里,他都把它作为一个习惯:就是早饭之前去散会儿步。 No matter where he is, he ___________________ before breakfast. 【答案】makes it a rule to go for a walk ③他对我说:“我觉得帮助邻居是我的责任。” He said to me, “I _________________ the neighbours.” 【答案】feel it my duty to help 本单元还有一个经典句型 【原句呈现】It is up to all of us road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety. 靠注意道路安全来确保避免事故,这就取决于我们大家,即道路使用者。 参看模块七 Unit 1 2.It is up to sb to do sth

资料: 1.9万


