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2011 学年第二学期二年级英语阶段性质量调研卷 (考试时间:40 分钟 满分:100 分) 题号 Ⅰ听力(50 分) Ⅱ笔试(50 分) 总分 得分 Ⅰ听力部分 50% 一、听录音,选出你听到的字母,字母组合或单词:10% 1.( ) A. QJU B. GDP C. LIN 2.( ) A. bpr B. suv C. air 3.( ) A. white B. write C. ride 4.( ) A. run B. rough C. rubber 5.( ) A. pear B. hear C. bear 6.( ) A. tail B. tall C. Tom 7.( ) A. pig B. big C. bag 8.( ) A. cat B. kite C. car 9.( ) A. hand B. head C. hen 10( ) A. books B. boxes C. buses 二、听录音,用数字给下列内容编号 10% 1. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 2. carrot noodles meat soup hamburger ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选出听到的句子 6% w W w . ( ) 1. A. It is a yellow pear. B. Is it a yellow pear? ( ) 2. A. What can you see? B. What colour can you see? ( ) 3. A. Ming can hear a ship. B. Ming can’t hear a sheep. ( ) 4. A. Do you like skating? B. Do you like skipping? 学 校 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 班 级 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 学 号 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 姓 名 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ … … … … … … … … … … 密 ○ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … 封 ○ … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ○ 线 … … … … … … … … … … ( ) 5. A. I like eating jelly. B. I like eating chicken. ( ) 6. A. They are giraffes. B. They are zebras. 四、听录音,用数字编号 6% ( ) Look! It can see a ship on the river. ( ) Now it can’t hear the bird. ( ) Sam is a lovely dog. ( ) Listen! It can hear a cat. ( ) Sam likes sleeping on his bed. ( ) Sam can hear a car on the road too. 五、听录音,选出相应的应答句 10% ( ) 1. A. I’m sorry. B. Thank you. ( ) 2. A. Yes, they like running. B. Yes, I like running. ( ) 3. A. OK. Here you are. B. A toy car , please. ( ) 4. A. Yes, it’s rough. B. No, it’s rough. ( ) 5. A. It’s yellow. B. It’s a yellow butterfly. 六、听短文,作判断,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示 8% ( ) 1. We can see many animals in the zoo. ( ) 2. The pandas are thin. ( ) 3. The elephants likes eating bananas. ( ) 4. We don’t like animals. Ⅱ笔试部分 50% 七、写出这些字母的左右邻居 5% 1._____ Ll _____ 2.____ ____ P 3. ____ f ____ 4. Qq ____ _____ 5.____ ____ z 八、正确抄写句子 7% Can your father swim, Kitty ? No, he can’t. 九、看图写单词 6% 1. 2. 3. __________ __________ __________ 4. 5. 6. ____________ ___________ _________ 十、选词填空:5% monkeys brown tails swing bananas They are . They have long . They like . They can . What are they? They are . 十一、选择正确的内容 8% ( ) 1. What colour are the dolls? A. It is purple. B. They are purple. C. They are purple dolls. ( ) 2. Do you like running? A. Yes, I like. B. No, I don’t . C.I like running. ( ) 3. The peach is ________. The rabbit is _________. A. black…white B. yellow…red C. pink…white ( ) 4. ______a lion and two tigers in the zoo. A. There is B. Are there C. There are ( ) 5. Touch it! It’s rough. It’s hard. What is it? A. It’s a banana. B. It’s a peach. C. It’s a pineapple. ( ) 6._______! What do you hear ? A. Look B. Listen C. Hear ( ) 7. I have a long neck . I am a ________. A. pig B. rabbit C. giraffe ( ) 8._________ is she ? She’s my grandmother. A. What B. How C. Who 十二、选出正确的单词,并填写在横线上,使句子完整:8% 1. How many (butterfly, butterflies)? There are two. 2. I like __________ (skip, skipping ) a rope. 3. Your hair ______ (is, are) short and black. 4. The kite is ( an orange , orange ) . 5. This toy bear is _________ ( to , for) you. 6. What colour _______ ( is , are ) the zebras? 7. It is a ( van , bus) . It goes ‘Boop…Boop…’. 8. What _________ (can, do ) you see? I see a bird. 十三、根据问句选择正确的答句 5% ( )1. What are they? A. They are brown. ( )2. Do you like running? B. No, it’s rough. ( )3. Is it smooth? C. They are bears. ( )4. What colour are they? D. Two bears. ( )5. How many bears? E. No, I like swimming. 十四、阅读判断,用“T”或“F”表示:6% Danny is a boy. He is not short. He is in the park. He can see some butterflies in the park. He can hear the bees on the flowers. He can skate. But he can’t ride a bicycle on the grass. Look! This is his bag. There are some fruits in it. They are bananas, peaches and pears. Danny likes eating them all. He is happy. ( )1. Danny is a tall boy. ( )2. Danny is in the zoo. ( )3. He can see some bees. ( )4. He can ride a bicycle on the grass. ( )5. Danny likes eating bananas and peaches. ( )6. Danny is not happy. 2011 学年第二学期二年级英语期中质量监控 答案 听力:(读二遍) 一.听录音,选出你听到的字母,字母组合或单词:10%(每小题 一分) 1. QJU (A) 2. air (C) 3. Ben can ride a bicycle in the park. (C) 4. Touch the orange. Is it rough? (B) 5. What can you see? I can see a pear. (A) 6. The rabbit has a short tail. ( A ) 7. Wow, the hippo’s mouth is so big. (B) 8. Alice likes flying a kite. (B ) 9. The hen likes eating corn. ( C) 10. There are three books on the desk. ( A) 二、听录音,用数字给下列内容编号 10% 1. lion rice van rough soft (4、3、1、5、2 ) 2. soup carrot meat hamburger noodles ( 2、5、3、1、4 ) 三、听录音,选出听到的句子 6% 1. Is it a yellow pear? 2. What colour can you see? 3. Ming can hear a ship. 4. Do you like skating? 5. I like eating jelly. 6. They are zebras. (B. B. A. A. A. B.) 四、听录音,用数字编号 6% ( 2 ) Look! It can see a ship on the river. ( 6 ) Now it can’t hear the bird. ( 1 ) Sam is a lovely dog. ( 3 ) Listen! It can hear a cat. ( 5 ) Sam likes sleeping on his bed. ( 4 ) Sam can hear a car on the road too. 五、听录音,选出相应的应答句 10% 1. Happy birthday to you , Kitty. w W w . 2. Do the boys like running? 3. Can I help you ? 4. Touch the ball. Is it smooth? 5. What is it? ( B A B B B ) 六、听短文,作判断, 正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示 8% We are in the zoo. There are many animals in the zoo. We can see tall giraffes, strong tigers, brown monkeys, big elephants and fat pandas. The monkeys like eating fruit. The tigers like eating meat. The elephants like eating bananas. We like animals in the zoo. ( T F T F )

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