2010届高三英语复习题:Unit 20 Gandhi

2010届高三英语复习题:Unit 20 Gandhi


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2010届高三英语复习题:Unit 20 Gandhi 习题精选   一、单项选择  1. The three-gorge project is a/an ________ one for China.  A. key  B. important   C. of importance   D. basic  2. ________ you come to a different place, ________ the local customs.  A. If, following  B. When, follow  C. If, followed   D. When, to follow  3. -Who will play ________ role in your new film?  -It ________ decided. So I’m afraid I can’t answer you.  A. the leading, have            B. a leading, had  C. the leading, was not         D. a leading, hasn’t been  4. The Hope Project ________ help children in poorer area ________ they can go to school.  A. designs to, so that  B. is to be designed to, so as to  C. has designed to, in order to  D. has been designed to, in order that  5. In all his life the father of the Chinese nation. Dr. Sun Yat-sen, _________ an end to dictatorial(独裁的) governments and tried to ________ a republic country.  A. demanded, found            B. call, set up  C. request for, build            D. ask, construct  6. ________ free to talk about silly things he has done, the teacher_______ the wrong-doers a chance to correct their mistakes.  A. Being, has                  B. Feeling, gives  C. To be, had                  D. To feel, decided to give  7. Premier Zhou Enlai won the respect of the people of his time, because he refused to make ________ from his political work.  A. any personal gain            B. his political points  C. no money                  D. any change  8. The cup fell onto the floor and broke into pieces before I could ________ it.  A. reach out                    B. reach out for  C. reach                       D. reach to  9. This is a good picture. It tells us China ________ a new look. By the way, did you ________ photography?  A. takes on, take up            B. took up, take out  C. taken in, take off            D. takes back, take over  10. Don’t bother her. She is ________ her lessons now.  A. busy with doing             B. busy to go over  C. busy with                   D. busy to  11. She spoilt her new shoes in the ________ rain.  A. pour        B. poured      C. pouring     D. pours  12. She told us not to waste time ________ when she died.  A. mourn  B. to mourn   C. mourning  D. morning  13. They saw him ________ that several times.  A. to do      B. doing        C. to have done      D. do  14. She, as a rule, has done things without ________.  A. asking    B. being permitted     C. telling     D. inviting  15. You don’t want him ________, do you?  A. caught    B. to catch  C. catching        D. catch  答案:1~5 ABDDA   6~10 BABAC   11~15 CCDBA二、完形填空 It Never Rains But It Pours(祸不单行)   My alarm o’clock stopped tickling   1   the night, and I woke up   2   it was only twenty minutes   3   morning classes.   4   as a flash, I jumped out of bed,    5   my clothes on, but could find my socks   6   . It took me a solid five minutes  7   . Then I rushed to the washing-room only to find the tap(水龙头)   8   . At last I had to give up washing and hurried up to the bedroom to __ 9__ the books for the classes. Unfortunately, I stumbled (绊倒) at the doorsill(门槛) and fell flat to the ground, my glasses   10   , my forehead hurt and my nose     11   . Painfully, I dashed to the canteen(小卖部)and was enraged(激怒) to be told that all   12   . It immediately started a row(口角) which   13   resulted in a fight. It was only two minutes before classes now. I ran  14  to the classroom in a hurry   15   suddenly   16   a face-to-face collision(相撞) with my new teacher at the door of the classroom.   17   I saw him stumble several steps   18   , and the next moment   19   me on top of him.  It never rains but it pours.   20   was the most unlucky day that I have ever had!  1. A. in            B. during      C. at          D. of  2. A. to find       B. finding      C. finding      D. find  3. A. for            B. until         C. before       D. after  4. A. Quick        B. Faster      C. Quickly     D. Speed  5. A. pulling        B. having      C. wearing     D. dressing  6. A. somewhere   B. everywhere C. anywhere   D. nowhere  7. A. to search another pairs B. to search of the other one   C. to search for another pair  D. to find out another pair  8. A. was not running   B. not run   C. was running     D. doesn't run  9. A. have   B. bring        C. get         D. place  10. A. broke   B. breaking    C. broken      D. break  11. A. bleed  B. bleeding     C. bled         D. bleeded  12. A. has sold out   B. was sold out    C. had been sold   D. was gone  13. A. nearly       B. hardly      C. came to     D. even  14. A. in the way                  B. all the way    C. by the way                 D. all the ways  15. A. but         B. and         C. while       D. even  16. A. had         B. made       C. took       D. went  17. A. For the moment            B. One moment    C. At that time               D. For this  18. A. backward   B. frontward   C. upward     D. downward  19. A. took        B. saw        C. for         D. found  20. A. That       B. It          C. Which      D. When  答案:1~5BACCA   6~10DCAOC   11~15 BBABB    16~20 ABADA三、阅读理解  The town of Frankfurt will always be connected with the name of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe-Germany’s greatest literary genius(文学天才). Goethe was born here in 1749 and, although he left the town many times during his life, he always thought of Frankfurt as his home.  The house where Goethe lived in Frankfurt is open to the public and contains many reminders(提醒) of the great man. Next door is the Goethe Museum with its collection of paintings and documents(文件)about his life and work.  In 1772 Goethe went as a young lawyer to Wetziar, where he fell in love with the fiancee (恋人) of his close friend Kestner. Broken-hearted, he returned to Frankfurt and later discovered that Kestner had killed himself. These events form the basis of his beautiful novel “The Sorrows of Young Weather”, the most important literary work of the early Romantic period.  In 1786 Goethe toured Italy, and this had a strong influence on his work, allowing him to combine his earlier Romantic style with the Classical ideas of Greece and Rome.  His masterpiece, “Faust”, published in 1831, was the product of fifty years of work. It is the greatest dramatic(戏剧) poem in the German language.  Goethe died at Weimar in 1832. He left behind him a reputation (声誉) as one of Europe's foremost writers and philosophers (哲学家). Today that reputation is stronger than ever.  1. There were ________ buildings in Frankfurt which had something to do with Goethe.  A. one         B. two         C. three       D. four  2. His love affair was________.  A. happy      B. unhappy    C. romantic    D. pleased  3. ________ was Goethe’s earliest romantic novel.  A. The Sorrows of Young Werther             B. Faust  C. Classical Ideas                           D. Fiancee  4. In 1786 Goethe visited ________.  A. Germany    B. France      C. Italy        D. Greece  5. It took Goethe ________ years to finish writing his masterpiece “Faust”.  A. 50          B. 60          C. 40          D. 30  答案:1-5BBACA四、书面表达  课后,李欣正在操场踢球,突然听到有人喊他,他回头一看是张红,张红告诉他有个电话,李欣停止了踢球,跑到办公室拿起了电话。  电话里他姐姐李英告诉他,叔叔明天要来北京开会,她约李欣明早10点在1路汽车站会面,然后去北京站接他们的叔叔。要求:1.根据提示写两段文字,字数100左右。   2.其中,第二段要以李欣和他姐姐在电话中的对话形式写出。答案:     One possible version:  Li Xin was playing football on the playground after class when he heard somebody calling him. He turned around and found it was Zhang Hong, who told him that he was wanted on the phone. Li Xin ran into the office and picked up the receiver.  (Li Xin-L LiYing-S)  L: Hello. Who’s that?  S; Oh, hello. This is Li Ying speaking. Uncle is coming to Beijing to attend a meeting tomorrow. I’ll go to the station to meet him. Will you go with me?  L: It’s really good news. I will go with you.  S: Let’s meet at the No. I bus stop at 10 o’clock.  L: All right. I'll be there on time. Goodbye.  S: Goodbye.  

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