Unit 6 Do you like bananas?第6课时教案(人教新目标七年级上册)

Unit 6 Do you like bananas?第6课时教案(人教新目标七年级上册)


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Period 6 Writing and self check Target language 1. Words & expressions apple, ice cream, banana, broccoli, li ke, oranges, carrot, breakfast, chicken, tomato, lunch, hamburger, fruit, dinner, French fries, vegetable, pear 2. Key sentences  I like…  I don’t like…  For breakfast/ lunch/ dinner ,I like… Ability goals Enable students to learn to write their favorite food for meals Learning ability goals Help students learn how to write a passage about they like and dislike for dinner. Teaching important / difficult points How to write the food they like and dislike.   Teaching procedures and ways   Step I Word competition and lead-in Ask students to ask their partner about the food they like for three meals and then ask them to co mplete 3a. T: We have learnt what food Sally and Tom have for three meals. What about your partner? W ho would like to read your reporter? Sample passage: For breakfast, she likes noodles, eggs and oranges. For lunch she likes hamburger and bananas. And for dinner, she likes tomatoes, pork a nd rice.   Step II Writing Ask the s tudents to complete 3b T: In Unit 6, we h ave learned many words about the food we like and dislike. Now please according to 3a to finish 3b. Ask some students to read their passage to the class. Step III Self check 1. 总结可数名词复数的变化规律 2.Revise I like/dislike … to talk about food, sports and colors. 3.Write sentences about like and disl ike. Step IV Homework Ask students to write what food, sports and colors your parents like and dislike. Write at least five sentences.

资料: 10.8万


