Recycle 2第6课时学案(pep六年级英语上册)

Recycle 2第6课时学案(pep六年级英语上册)


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    Recycle 2Visiting an old friend /At Ken’s house, his father tells a story  P66-69教师寄语:(Nothing is impossible. 没有什么不可能!)Learning aims(学习目标)1. 复习4-6单元的单词,短语,句子。2. 能够阅读听懂较长的语篇,提高语言运用。Important &difficult points(重难点)  巩固4-6单元的单词,短语,句子。Learning steps(学习步骤)Step1预习温故. (用时5分钟)Free talk.T: What are Peter’s hobbies?    Ss: He likes reading stories/ …T: What does he/ she do?       Ss: He/ She is a(n) pilot/ …T: What’s wrong?             Ss: He/ She is sad/ …Step2. 新课内容展示(用时15分钟)一.Visiting an old friend1. 听录音,感知全文,并填空。2. Listen again. Write down hobbies for the people.3. Look at the pictures and talk about “What are Peter’s family doing on the bus?”4. Finish Peter’s puzzle.一. At Ken’s house, his father tells a story1. 听录音,感知全文。2. Read and answer.3. Fill in the blanks for this story.Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时10分钟)Retell the story.Step 4. 达标检测(用时8分钟)一. 英汉互译。1. turn left                    2. post office         __3. slow down                  4. see a film          __5. 步行                      6. 去远足           ___7. 警察                      8. 看病          _____9. 深呼吸                   10. 数到十                二.选择正确答案。(   )1. What’s wrong?            A. I like listening to music(   )2. How can I get to the park?   B. She is a teacher.(   )3. What does your mother do?  C. By bus.(   )4. What is your hobby?        D. I’m going to go shopping.(   )5. What are you going to do?   E. My father is ill.二. 连词成句。1. father/ her/ in/ works/ a/ factory (.) ____________________________________2. do/ how/ you/ to/ go / school (?)  _____________________________________3. deep/ should/ you/ take/ a/ breath (.) ___________________________________4. of/ afraid/ they/ him/ are (.) __________________________________________5. goes/ he/ by/ to/ bike/ work (.) ________________________________________Step5.布置课后作业复习本单元内容并做相应练习。学生小结:这节课我学会了                              教学反思:

资料: 10.8万


